2018-06-12 18:09:59流浪阿狗
老歌亂談(842)You'll Lose a Good Thing
美國非裔女歌手Barbara Lynn於1942出生於德州博蒙特 ( Beaumont,Texas ),自幼學習鋼琴,後改彈吉他,是位「左手」的電吉他手。喜歡的歌手藝人是貓王Elvis Presley及Brenda Lee。在當地贏了幾場才藝表演後,自組了一個全為女性的樂團 ─ Bobbie Lynn and Her Idols,並開始在德州當地的俱樂部演唱。
有曝光才有機會。Barbara Lynn在表演時被歌手Joe Barry看到,並將她介紹給製作人Huey P. Meaux,這位Meaux老兄有在營運唱片錄音室及擁有好幾個唱片商標。在Meaux的協助下,合寫出了此首《You'll Lose a Good Thing》,也成為了Barbara Lynn首支發行的單曲。此曲在1962奪下了告示牌R&B排行榜的冠軍 ( 熱門榜 # 8 ),可說是一炮而紅。而遺憾的是,在往後的歌唱生涯中,再也沒能超越此成績,此曲也成為了Barbara Lynn的「招牌歌」。
歌曲紅了但似乎還不夠。1964,大牌女歌手Aretha Franklin翻唱此曲,等於是再認證加持 ( Aretha Franklin獲得葛萊美的獎項數,目前在女性中排名第三。)。1975,墨裔美籍歌手Freddy Frender亦翻唱此曲,1976在鄉村榜拿下第一名,也是他的第4首冠軍曲 ( Freddy Frender最知名的經典之作為《Before The Next Teardrop Falls》)。

亂談(352)Chain of Fools / Aretha Franklin
If you should lose me, oh yeah, you'll lose a good thing
If you should lose me, oh yeah, you'll lose a good thingYou know I love you, do anything for you
Just don't mistreat me, and I'll be good to you
Cause if you should lose me, oh yeah, you'll lose a good thing
I'm givin' you one more chance, for you to do right
If you'll only straighten up, we'll have a good life
Cause if you should lose me, oh yeah, you'll lose a good thing
This is my last time, not asking any more
If you don't do right, I'm gonna march outa that door
And if you don't believe me, just try it daddy
And you'll lose a good thing
Just try it daddy and you'll lose a good thing
Just try it daddy and you'll lose a good thing
Just try it daddy and you'll lose a good thing
Just try it daddy and you'll lose a good thing