2017-12-25 14:45:01流浪阿狗
老歌亂談(786)I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus

此首耶誕歌曲是英國詞曲作家Tommie Connor所寫。1952,由當時年僅13歲的Jimmy Boyd首錄發行,在告示牌流行榜拿下了冠軍。之後在英國發行,也得到了第3名。

歌曲說的是,小孩在耶誕夜半夜醒來,躡手躡腳的走下樓,卻窺見媽媽在「槲寄生 ( mistletoe )---常被用來作耶誕裝飾」下親吻聖誕老人,心裡還驚呼,要是被爸爸看見,代誌就大條了。寫歌者並未明講,此聖誕老人是否為爸爸裝扮的?或許是,而小孩並不知情 ( 此可能性極高 )。另依據英國習俗,如果有女生走在裝飾的mistletoe下方,巧遇她的男生,可以向她索取一個吻,也或許作者只是故意要突顯這個習俗。再來,就真的是媽媽在偷情了!不過,應該很少人會相信這是作者的本意。
翻唱此曲的藝人歌手眾多,以下所選的是The Jackson Five的版本,為收錄在其1970的專輯《Jackson 5 Christmas Album》中,主唱應為Michael Jackson,當時的他才12歲。白雲蒼狗,一晃眼,Michael Jackson也已過世8年了。
Wow! Mommy's kissing Santa Claus!
I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus
Underneath the mistletoe last night
She didn't see me creep
Down the stairs to have a peep
She thought that I was tucked up
In my bedroom, fast asleep
Then I saw Mommy tickle Santa Claus
Underneath his beard so snowy white
Oh, what a laugh it would have been
If Daddy had only seen
Mommy kissing Santa Claus last night
He saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus
I did! I really did see Mommy kissing Santa Claus
And I'm gonna tell my Dad
Then I saw Mommy tickle Santa Claus
Underneath his beard so snowy white
Oh, what a laugh it would have been
If Daddy had only seen
Mommy kissing Santa Claus last night
Oh, what a laugh it would have been
If Daddy had only seen
Mommy kissing Santa Claus last night
I did! I did! I really did see Mommy kissing Santa Claus
You gotta believe me! You just gotta believe me!
Come on, fellas, believe me! You just gotta believe me!