2017-12-07 15:39:02流浪阿狗
老歌亂談(780)Sweet Memories
此首《Sweet Memories》是美國流行歌手Andy Williams於1968給唱紅的,於當代成人排行榜獲得第4名。接下來的翻唱者也不少,有Willie Nelson ( country singles / #4 )、Brenda Lee & Ricky Van Shelton、Ray Charles & Mary Ann、The Everly Brothers以及Roy Orbison等等。
以下所貼為Ray Charles & Mary Ann的版本,而上傳者使用的影音畫面,為1955由希區考克所導演的電影《To Catch a Thief》( 中譯:捉賊記 )的片段,男女主角分別為Cary Grant ( 卡萊葛倫 ) 及 Grace Kelly ( 葛莉絲凱莉 )。次年(1956),27歲的凱莉嫁給雷尼爾三世成為了摩納哥 ( Monaco ) 王妃,婚後育有二女一子。1982,凱莉開車載小女兒史蒂芬妮由邊境鄉間的住所返回摩納哥,卻在途中發生急性腦中風 ( 有一說是由於史蒂芬妮平時放蕩不羈的生活,母女倆在車上產生爭執所導致。),車子失去控制滑落37米深的山崖,凱莉雖未當場死亡,仍急救不治,享年52歲。史蒂芬妮頸椎受傷,但倖免於難。
My world is like a river as dark as it is deep
Night after night the past slips in and gathers all my sleep
My days are just and endless stream of emptiness to me
Filled only by the fleeting moments of her memories
Sweet memories
Sweet memories
She slipped into the silence of my dreams again last night
Wandering from room to room, she's turning on each light
Her laughter spills like water from the river to the sea
And I'm swept away from sadness clinging to her memories
Sweet memories
Sweet memories