2017-09-22 06:46:13流浪阿狗
老歌亂談(754)Let's Work Together

此曲為美國歌手兼鋼琴、口琴與吉他手的Wilbert Harrison所寫,並於1962首錄發行,原歌名為《Let's Stick Together》,且為中節奏的籃調曲風,可惜無緣進榜。顯然Harrison並不死心,於1969又重新錄製,並將歌名改為《Let's Work Together》,除了部份歌詞,伴奏的方式也加入了吉他主奏 ( 主唱、樂器伴奏均為由Harrison獨自一人包辦 ),此次果然未讓Harrison失望,在告示牌流行榜達到了第32名,也是他自1959的冠軍曲《Kansas City》之後,首度再出現在排行榜中。

在Wilbert Harrison發行《Let's Work Together》後不久,美國加州的樂團Canned Heat也錄製了他們的版本,本欲在1969年11月發行單曲,但當得知Harrison的版本成為流行曲後,就技巧性的延後,先任由Harrison的版本發展。在英國,當大眾對Harrison的版本不再感興趣後,Canned Heat在1970年1月推出他們的版本,而即成為大熱門曲,在英國單曲排行榜達到第2名。在美國,則是於1970年8月先推出收錄此曲的專輯《Future Blues》,隨後亦發行單曲,也在Hot 100流行榜拿下了第26名的佳績。Canned Heat至今仍有演唱活動,也常演唱此曲,唯原主唱Bob Hite早於1981因心臟病 ( 服用毒品過量?) 死在送他回家的樂團的車上 ( 38歲 )。
此曲其他的翻唱者也不少,包含有Bob Dylan、The Kentucky Headhunter、Satus Que等。而英國歌手Bryan Ferry在1976推出原歌《Let's Stick Together》,成績也不錯,在英國排行榜獲得第12名。
先來看配上跳舞畫面的影音 ( 哈哈!令人懷念的迷你短裙年代 )
Together we stand, divided we fall
Come on now people, let's get on the ball and work together
Come on, come on let's work together, now now people
Because together we will stand, every boy every girl and a man
Before when things go wrong, as they sometimes will
And the road you travel, it stays all uphill
Let's work together, come on, come on, let's work together
You know together we will stand, every boy, girl, woman and a man
Oh well now, two or three minutes, two or three hours
What does it matter now, in this life of ours
Let's work together, come on, come on
Let's work together, now now people
Because together we will stand, every boy, every woman and a man
Oh come on, let's work together
Oh well now, make someone happy, make someone smile,
Let's all work together and make life worthwhile
Let's work together, come on, come on
Let's work together, now now people
Because together we will we stand, every boy, girl, woman and a man
Well now, together we will stand,
Every boy, girl, woman and a man