2016-08-30 18:49:36流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(618)Knock On Wood

位於美國田納西州曼菲斯的Lorraine汽車旅館,其最著名的是美國黑人人權領袖Martin Luther King, Jr. ( 馬丁‧路德‧金恩 ),於1968年在此遭到暗殺,目前此旅館已部份改建為「國家民權博物館 ( National Civil Rights Museum )」。而在此事件稍早的1965,Stax唱片公司的吉他手Steve Cropper,曾在此旅館與歌手Wilson Pickett合作寫出著名的《In The Midnight Hour》。神奇的是,1966,Steve Cropper又在此旅館與Eddie Floyd創作出此首冠軍曲《Knock On Wood》。

Steve Cropper

據Cropper事後說,寫歌的當天晚上,旅館外下著夾雜著閃電的雷雨,於是引發了將「It's like thunder and lightning, The way you love me is frightening.」寫入了歌詞。「Knock On Wood」是美國的俚語,像我們在日常生活中若是說了不當的話 ( 例如:好久沒生病了!),有時旁人會馬上說「呸呸呸!童言無忌!童言無忌!」,是怕因此反遭致身體的厄運。而老美則是以「敲敲木頭」的動作 ( 如木頭桌面 ),來驅除化解可能帶來不吉利的邪靈。此曲的男主角,似交了個「類恐怖情人」,既喜歡又怕受傷害,故只能以「敲敲木頭」來企求老天的保佑了!(?)

此曲於1966獲得靈魂單曲榜第1名 ( 熱門金曲榜 #28 ),也是Eddie Floyd最為知名的招牌歌。此曲翻唱者也是一大拖拉庫,包含有Otis Redding、David Bowie、Amii Stewart及吉他之神Eric Clapton等等等。

I don't want to lose this good thing that I've got
'Cause if I do, I would surely, surely loose a lot
'Cause your love is better than any love I know

It's like thunder, lightning
The way you love me is frightening
I'd better knock on wood, baby

I'm not superstitious about you, but I can't take no chance
You got me spinning, baby, baby, I'm in a trance
'Cause your love is better than any love I know

It's like thunder, lightning
The way you love me is frightening
I'd better knock on wood, baby

It's no secret, that woman is my loving cup
Well, she sees to it that I get enough
Just one touch from her, you know it means so much

It's like thunder, lightning
The way you love me is frightening
I'd better knock on wood, baby
I better knock, knock, knock

Think I better knock, knock, knock on wood
Think I better knock, knock, knock on wood
Think I better knock, knock, knock on wood
Think I better knock, knock, knock