2016-08-28 16:06:52流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(617)You Can Have Her

此曲的原唱為美國黑人歌手Roy Hamilton,1961獲得告示排熱門榜第12名 ( R&B Chart #6 ),也算是他的招牌歌之一。之後翻唱者眾,包含有貓王Elvis Presley、Johnny Rivers及Waylon Jennings等,但都沿襲了原唱的搖滾鄉村風,唯獨只有正義兄弟( The Righteous Brothers ) 將之改成了靈魂藍調曲風。

The Righteous Brothers富有感情的曲調風格,也常常喜歡加上一些靈魂配音,甚至在1965成名的前一年,就出過一張《Some Blue-Eyed Soul》專輯。此曲為正義兄弟於1965所推出,雖只獲得排行榜的第67名,而卻受到許多歌迷的喜愛。


You can have her, I don't want her
She didn't love me anyway
She only wanted someone to play with
But all I wanted was a love to stay

The girl I loved, she up and left me
She ran away with my best friend
She comes home at night a just one full hour
When daylight comes, oh no, she's a gone again

You can have her, I don't want her
She didn't love me anyway
She only wanted someone to play with
But all I wanted was a love to stay

Life without love is mighty empty yeah, but confession
Do ya know, do ya know confession good for your soul, baby?
I'd rather have love that I can cling to
Than I had the world and all of its gold

You can have her, I don't want her
She didn't love me anyway
She only wanted someone to play with
But all I wanted was a love to stay

You can have her, I don't want her
She didn't love me anyway