2016-08-24 19:16:23流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(615)Roll Over Beethoven

此首《Roll Over Beethoven》為美國歌手Chuck Berry自寫自唱,於1956所發行的單曲。歌曲當然是在膨風說古典音樂已過時,當時的年輕人寧願來聽他的搖滾樂。不太確定「Roll Over」在此歌曲中是否是「滾開吧!」的意思,歌詞中「roll over Beethoven and tell Tchaikovsky the news」,竟然還要貝多芬 ( Beethoven ) 將此被取代的訊息告知同為作古的柴可夫斯基 ( Tchaikovsky )。據Chuck Berry說他寫此歌的靈感,是來自於幼年,當他想利用家中的鋼琴彈一些流行樂時,卻常被姊姊搶去彈奏古典音樂。

此曲在1956分別獲得節奏藍調和流行排行榜的第7及第29名,及在滾石雜誌歷來500最佳歌曲名單中排名第97。披頭合唱團的John Lennon一向非常推崇Chuck Berry,除了為該團早年經常的現場演唱曲目外,也在1963正式的推出翻唱版。電光樂團 ( The Electric Light Orchestra---簡稱ELO ) 則是在1973推出其翻唱版,並在前奏和間奏加入了貝多芬第5號交響曲,也成為了ELO在該時期的招牌歌。

I'm gonna write a little letter
Gonna mail it to my local DJ
It's a rockin' rhythm record
I want my jockey to play
Roll over Beethoven, I gotta hear it again today

You know, my temperature's risin'
And the jukebox blows a fuse
My heart's beatin' rhythm
And my soul keeps on singin' the blues
Roll over Beethoven and tell Tchaikovsky the news

I got the rockin' pneumonia,
I need a shot of rhythm and blues
I think I'm rollin' arthritis
Sittin' down by the rhythm review
Roll over Beethoven rockin' in two by two

Well, if you feel you like it
Go get your lover, then reel and rock it
Roll it over and move on up just
A trifle further and reel and rock it
Roll it over
Roll over Beethoven rockin' in two by two

Well, early in the mornin' I'm a-givin' you a warnin'
Don't you step on my blue suede shoes
Hey diddle diddle, I am playin' my fiddle
Ain't got nothin' to lose
Roll over Beethoven and tell Tchaikovsky the news

You know she wiggles like a glow worm
Dance like a spinnin' top
She got a crazy partner
Oughta see 'em reel and rock
Long as she got a dime the music will never stop

Roll over Beethoven
Roll over Beethoven
Roll over Beethoven
Roll over Beethoven
Roll over Beethoven and dig these rhythm and blues

Gclub 2019-04-19 15:07:11

I love this post.

9944598002 2017-03-17 15:21:06

nice article thanks for sharing this.