2016-04-04 19:37:33流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(562) He's So Fine

這首歌的故事要從Ronald Mack這位老兄說起,當時他也才20歲,卻對音樂充滿了熱情和憧憬,不僅寫歌,也赴當地高中,在餐廳中聽三位女生試唱,而在1960替之組成了The Chiffons合唱團體 ( 後正式錄唱時又增加一人 ),並以經紀人自居。

Ronald Mack之前和Bright Tunes製作公司有所往來,故將所寫的《He's So Fine》和The Chiffons引薦給Bright Tunes,並受到該公司的採納。Bright Tunes公司背後的老闆是The Tokens合唱團 ( The Tokens成立於1956,其原始成員包含有後來在音樂界大放異彩的Neil Sedaka,而The Tokens本身於1961發行的歌曲《The Lion Sleep Tonight》,也成為了膾炙人口的傳世經典。),由於The Tokens和Capital唱片公司簽有發行10首歌的合約,而欲將此首由The Chiffons演唱的《He's So Fine》作為單曲的B面,卻被Capital的老闆打槍 --- 「太平庸、太單調……」。

此曲不僅被Capital唱片公司拒絕發行,其它像是Victor、Columbia、ABC-Paramount等大唱片公司也紛紛推辭,在接連碰壁之後,最後終於有一家Laurie Records願意發行。《He's So Fine》於1963衝上了告示牌排行榜的冠軍,最激動的當然是Ronald Mack,一直以來的努力終於可以揚眉吐氣。而遺憾的是,也在同年,Ronald Mack死於癌症,僅享年23歲。

故事還沒完。1971,前披頭合唱團的主奏吉他手George Harrison推出一首《My Sweet Lord》,被控涉嫌抄襲《He's So Fine》。期間經訴訟協商等,最後由George Harrison的前經理人於1976以自己的公司買下持有版權、但當時財務有問題的Bright Tunes,而變身成為了此案的原告,法院也判George Harrison以經理人購入Bright Tunes的相同金額 --- 587,000美元,作為賠償而終結此「潛意識的抄襲」案。

George Harrison

Do-lang, do-lang, do-lang
Do-lang, do-lang
He's so fine
(Do-lang, do-lang, do-lang)
Wish he were mine
(Do-lang, do-lang, do-lang)
That handsome boy over there
(Do-lang, do-lang, do-lang)
The one with the wavy hair
(Do-lang, do-lang, do-lang)
I don't know how, I'm gonna do it
(Do-lang, do-lang, do-lang)
But I'm gonna make him mine
(Do-lang, do-lang, do-lang)
He's the envy of all the girls
(Do-lang, do-lang, do-lang)
It's just a matter of time
(Do-lang, do-lang)
He's a soft spoken guy
(Do-lang, do-lang, do-lang)
Also seems kinda shy
(Do-lang, do-lang, do-lang)
Makes me wonder if I
(Do-lang, do-lang, do-lang)
Should even give him a try
(Do-lang, do-lang, do-lang)
But then I know he can't shy
(Do-lang, do-lang, do-lang)
He can't shy away forever
(Do-lang, do-lang, do-lang)
And I'm gonna make him mine
(Do-lang, do-lang, do-lang)
If it takes me forever
(Do-lang, do-lang)
He's so fine
(Oh yeah)
Gotta be mine
(Oh yeah)
Sooner or later
(Oh yeah)
I hope it's not later
(Oh yeah)
We gotta get together
(Oh yeah)
The sooner the better
(Oh yeah)
I just can't wait, I just can't wait
To be held in his arms
If I were a queen
(Do-lang, do-lang, do-lang)
And he asked me to leave my throne
(Do-lang, do-lang, do-lang)
I'll do anything that he asked
(Do-lang, do-lang, do-lang)
Anything to make him my own
(Do-lang, do-lang, do-lang)
For he's so fine
(So fine)
So fine
(So fine)
He's so fine
(So fine)
So fine
(So fine)
He's so fine
(So fine)
Oh yeah
(He's so fine)
He's so fine

(悄悄話) 2016-04-15 14:09:13
(悄悄話) 2016-04-15 14:05:04
(悄悄話) 2016-04-15 04:41:43