2015-10-20 19:43:30流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(499)When I Come Home


1966,英國的The Spencer Davis Group樂團以《Keep On Running》首度拿下英國排行榜的冠軍,隨即再推出此首《When I Come Home》欲乘勝追擊。唯在美國市場由於缺乏促銷,不要說是入榜,連在電台幾乎都未聽到在播放。

此曲為Spencer Davis Group的主唱Steve Winwood與團友所合寫。Steve於14歲時隨哥哥加入該團,主要為鍵盤手兼主唱,由於才華洋溢表現出眾,顯然不太可能長期屈就於以團長為名的樂團,終於在1967離團另行發展。後有兩首美國排行榜的冠軍曲,以及兩度獲得葛萊美獎,也於 2004以Traffic樂團的成員之一,進入搖滾名人堂。


I gave you my heart
Right from the start
I gave you my heart
Now you're tearing it apart

You wrote me a letter
You found someone better
Better than me
This I can't believe

When I come home
Tell me all about it
When I come home
Tell me all about it

I work all day
Earnin' my pay
I work all night
To make you feel all right

When I come home
Tell me all about it
When I come home
Tell me all about it

When I come home
Tell me all about it
When I come home
Tell me all about it

When I come home
Tell me all about it
When I come home
Tell me all about it