2015-10-19 14:37:32流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(498)Laughter In The Rain


出生於1939的美國歌手Neil Sedaka,其實也是位歌曲作家,他個人以及和其他人合寫的歌曲總計有超過500首,此首《Laughter In The Rain》即為由Neil Sedaka譜曲、Phil Cody作詞,倆人共同合作完成。

從1960─1963,Neil Sedaka在美國排行榜有11首前40名的入榜歌曲 ,算得上是炙手可熱的歌手( 台灣歌友最熟悉的應該是他的那首《Oh!Carol》),但隨後受到英國樂團大舉入侵的影響,Sedaka也不得不無奈的沉寂下來。1973,Sedaka在倫敦和10cc樂團一起錄製專輯,也因此和之前即認識的Elton John ( 艾爾頓 強 ) 又連繫上,經由Elton John 的協助,以其剛成立的Rocket Record ( 火箭唱片 ) 替Sedaka在美國發行單曲,這首才在英國發行並入榜 ( #15 ) 的《Laughter In The Rain》,自然獲得入選。而問題是Sedaka當時在美國已不具甚麼號召力,也由於Elton John 的推薦和背書,才獲得電台DJ及製作人更多的關注。此曲於1975終於衝上了告示牌的冠軍寶座,也是Sedaka的第2首冠軍曲,距上一首奪冠的《Breaking Up Is Hard To Do》,已是睽違了有12年之久。


此曲使得Sedaka成功的重返美國市場。至1977,Sedaka還另有6首歌曲進入美國排行榜前40名。寫此曲歌詞的Phil Cody說,他是在吸食了大麻煙,並在樹下睡了幾小時後,只花了5分鐘就完成了。是真是假?反正歌出名了,就任由他去說吧!呵呵!

Strolling along country roads with my baby.
It starts to rain, it begins to pour.
Without an umbrella we're soaked to the skin.
I feel a shiver run up my spine.
I feel the warmth of her hand in mine.

Oo, I hear laughter in the rain,
Walking hand in hand with the one I love.
Oo, how I love the rainy days and the happy way I feel inside.

After a while we run under a tree.
I turn to her and she kisses me.
There with the beat of the rain on the leaves
Softly she breathes and I close my eyes.
Sharing our love under stormy skies.

Oo, I hear laughter in the rain,
Walking hand in hand with the one I love.
Oo, how I love the rainy days and the happy way I feel inside.
I feel the warmth of her hand in mine.

Oo, I hear laughter in the rain,
Walking hand in hand with the one I love.
Oo, how I love the rainy days and the happy way I feel inside.
Oo, I hear laughter in the rain,
Walking hand in hand with the one I love.
Oo, how I love the rainy days and the happy way I feel inside.
Oo, I hear laughter in the rain,
Walking hand in hand with the one I love.
Oo, how I love the rainy days and the happy way I feel inside.
Oo, I hear laughter in the rain,
Walking hand in hand with the one I love.
Oo, how I love the rainy days and the happy way I feelinside


Peter Cheng 2015-10-20 23:29:21

"Oh! Carol"的b-side曲"One Way Ticket",雖然不是Sedaka作的曲,在disco時期也被Eruption唱得火紅!

說也奇怪,我的印象中,在台灣電視上,常常都是女歌手喜歡唱這首《One Way Ticket》。對於年紀較輕的歌友來說,恐怕只聽過Eruption或Boney M唱,也搞不太清楚原唱是Sedaka吧!^^ 2015-10-21 08:00:52
新聞台Blog小天使 2015-10-20 15:43:04


2015-10-20 18:21:02
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