2015-03-04 14:00:22流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(407)El Condor Pasa

1969年,Paul Saimon在巴黎的一間戲院表演,幾乎每晚都聽到同台的南美樂團Los Incas演奏一首名為《Paso Del Condor》的曲子,覺得非常好聽,Los Incas的團長告訴Saimon,這只是安地斯一首傳統的曲子。之後,Saimon將此曲填上歌詞,錄製成此首《El Condor Pasa ( If I Could )》,收錄於其1970的專輯〈Bridge Over Troubled Water〉中。

其實這首曲子是秘魯作曲家Daniel Robles於1913所創作,並在1933旅遊美國時登記了著作權。所以當Robles的兒子對此曲提出法律訴請時,Paul Saimon也只能依法將Daniel Robles列名為作曲者,並返還相關的版稅。

無可諱言,原曲經由「Simon & Garfunkel」二重唱的填詞翻唱,才得以楊名於世。「Simon & Garfunkel」的版本在美國告示牌雖只獲得了18名,但在包含澳洲、比利時、荷蘭、西德和西班牙、瑞士,均是為榜首的冠軍曲。

I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail
Yes I would
If I could, I surely would
Hmm mmm

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail
Yes I would
If I only could, I surely would
Hmm mmm

Away, I'd rather sail away
Like a swan that's here and gone
A man gets tied up to the ground
He gives the world its saddest sound, its saddest sound
Hmm mmm

I'd rather be a forest than a street
Yes I would
If I could, I surely would

I'd rather feel the earth beneath my feet
Yes I would
If I only could, I surely would

(悄悄話) 2015-03-11 10:21:15
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