2014-09-22 05:52:36流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(323)Dance On Little Girl

保羅安卡 ( Paul Anka ) 在年僅16歲時 ( 1957 ) 即以一首《Diana》成名,緊接著在1958又有4首歌曲進入排行榜前20名。這下不得了了,立馬成為了年輕人的青春偶像。

當時Paul Anka和同為偶像歌手的Buddy Holly曾一起赴英國和澳洲做巡迴表演。Anka才華洋溢,還特別為Buddy Holly寫了一首《It Doesn't Matter Anymore》,Holly也在1958將此曲錄製完成。但諷刺的是,歌曲尚未推出,Holly竟因飛機失事身亡 ( 22歲 ),此曲也成為了Holly生前所錄製的最後一首歌。這對Paul Anka來說,真是情何以堪,難不成是他的掃把曲一語成讖?這首歌發行後成為了Holly的「身後暢銷曲 ( posthumous hit )」 (1959 No.13 )。Anka內心當然感到抱歉和難過,後Anka將該曲的作曲版權費給了Holly的遺孀,以助其生活。Anka說:至少這是我可以做的。

這首《Dance On Little Girl 》和上面的故事無關,卻也是Paul Anka自己的作品, 1961獲得排行榜第10名,也為當年的熱門曲。在舞會中看到自己喜歡的女孩在別人的臂彎裡,肯定不是滋味,最後為了維持自尊,還要說對方傻、大錯特錯來安慰自己。青春少男的純真無邪加上歌曲的流暢旋律,這也是許多人喜歡的一首恰恰節奏經典老歌。

Dance, dance on little girl
In the arms of someone new.
As you dance, as you twirl
My heart dances with you.
Dance, dance on little girl.
Tell me what I've done wrong.
Why he should hold you tight
While they're playing our song?
Oh, I'm watching you.
Oh, it cannot be.
While I'm watching you
I'm wishing it were me.
Dance, dance on little girl.
Tell me why did we part.
Dance, dance on little girl
Dance out of my heart.

Oh, I'm watching you,
Oh, it cannot be.
While I'm watching you
I'm wishing, I'm hoping
It were me.
Go and have a dance little girl.
Tell me why did we part.
Dance, dance on little girl.
Dance out of my heart.
Oh, look at you,
There you go silly girl.
Yes, I know that it's wrong
Wrong, wrong....