2014-09-10 14:41:17流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(318)Don't Fight It

Wilson Pickett (1941─2006) 是美國知名的節奏藍調和搖滾歌手,也是靈魂音樂發展史上的一位重要人物。他有超過50首的歌曲進入美國R&B排行榜,並也不時的橫跨告示牌的熱門百大,他最為知名的歌曲當然就是1965年推出的《In the Midnight Hour》了,而同年的這首《Don't Fight It》(R&B/#4,POP/#53)我也非常喜歡。

我們通常只看到成功藝人光鮮亮麗的表面,卻不知他們在奮鬥過程中的辛酸。當Wilson Pickett還未成氣候之時,曾和人合寫了一首《If You Need Me》,並將自己的試唱帶寄給了Atlantic唱片公司的製作人Jerry Wexler,沒想到Wexler竟將此曲交給旗下另位歌手錄唱發行,且成績大好 ( R&B/#2,POP/#37 )。Pickett知道後簡直是要崩潰了。然而,當Pickett腋下夾著該試唱帶去到Atlantic唱片公司,Wexler問他是否對這件事的損失感到生氣?Pickett說:『It's over』。( 真是打落牙齒和血吞呀!)之後Pickett也獲得發行此曲的機會,但成績並不如之前。

我第一次聽此曲是「小黑人」--- 金澎在電視上的演唱,印象中他唱得相當不錯。早期金澎經常演唱西洋歌曲,但後來……,來看一段有趣的資料:





There you sit
All by yo'self
Everybody's dancin'
They can't a-help themselves

The mood is much too strong
You can't a-hold out longer
So get up
Don't fight it
(You got to feel it, feel it)

You better get on up
And get that groove
You know what, baby?
I like the way you move!

Ya do the Thing
Like you oughta be, alright
So don't fight it
Whoa, baby, yeah, yeah
(Feel it, feel it)

[sax & instrumental]

The way you, Jerk
The way you do The Twine
You're too much, baby
I'd like to make you mine

And after the dance
I'm gonna take you home
So don't fight it
Baby, you've got to feel
(Feel it, feel it)

Don't fight it, oh, no
(Feel it, feel it)

You got to feel
(Feel it, feel it)


You can't fight it
(Feel it, feel it)

(悄悄話) 2014-09-11 13:02:46
(悄悄話) 2014-09-11 11:47:35
(悄悄話) 2014-09-11 11:38:52