老歌亂談(166)Indiana Wants Me
這是加拿大歌手R. Dean Taylory最為出名的一首歌,1970獲告示牌排行榜第五名。
[Police sirens]
Indiana wants me, Lord I can't go back there
Indiana wants me, Lord I can't go back there
I wish I had you, to talk to
If a man ever needed dying he did
No one had a right to say what he said about you
And it's so cold and lonely here without you
Out there the law is coming
I've been so tired of running
It hurts to see the man that I've become
To know I'll never see the morning sunshine on the land
I'll never see your smiling face or touch your hand
If just once more I could see
You, our home and our little baby
I hope this letter finds it's way to you
Forgive me love for the shame I've put you through and all the tears
Hang on love to the memories of those happy years
Red lights are flashing around me
Good Lord it looks like they found me
Indiana wants me, Lord I can't go back there (This is the police. You are surrounded. Give yourself up)
[Repeat To Fade
這首歌我還記得, 不錯聽! 前幾年 Local电台有支廣告也是從頭就來一陣警笛声, 害我嚇了好跳. 1985 我在虎林街口被開 搶黄灯, 警察把罰單丟在地上就揚長而去, 我也無處可申x. 两年後報載有人朝派出所開槍, 有一人掛點. 總之警愛民 民敬警才是王道. 謝謝 po文! (軍購案跑路比蹲苦X好, 張可文出來两年車禍亡. 跑得越遠越好, 找到汪X浦更好.)
因軍購案跑路的人,未必是涉及命案,也有的是不想因此被羅織其他罪名。張可文出獄後車禍死亡,我認為是意外的成份居多。 2013-10-01 19:16:09
歡迎常來玩! 2013-10-02 17:38:26