老歌亂談(154)Daddy Don't You Walk So Fast
有些歌曲,只要聽過一次,就會對它有深刻的印象。再多聽個幾次,就算是過了幾十年,恐怕都很難會忘記。我認為Wayne Newton ( 韋恩紐頓 ) 的《Daddy Don't You Walk So Fast》就是這樣的一首歌。
有著印地安人血統、號稱「拉斯維加斯娛樂先生」的Wayne Newton,大概天生註定要吃舞台飯。從五歲就開始賣唱,少年時代陸續的學會了鋼琴、吉它、喇叭和鼓等樂器,並活躍在各大夜總會。20歲時,開始在巨星Jackie Gleason的電視節目中表演,而成為美國家喻戶曉的明星。
這首歌的內容是在描述一位男子與妻子不睦而決心離家出走,卻因為小女兒在身後聲聲呼喚而心痛萬分。1972年獲得排行榜的第四名,也是Wayne Newton歌唱生涯的代表作。
The love between the two of us was dying
And it got so bad I knew I had to leave
But halfway down that highway when I turned around I saw
My little daughter running after me
Daddy, don't you walk so fast
Daddy, don't you walk so fast
Daddy, slow down some 'cause you're makin' me run
Daddy, don't you walk so fast
Now, it broke my heart to tell my little daughter
That her daddy had to run to catch a train
She had no way of knowin' I was leavin' home for good
I turned around and there she was again
As she said to me
Daddy, don't you walk so fast
Daddy, don't you walk so fast
Daddy, slow down some 'cause you're makin' me run
Daddy, don't you walk so fast
If only for the sake of my sweet daughter
I just had to turn back home right there and then
And try to start a new life with the mother of my child
I couldn't bear to hear those words again
She cried and said
Daddy, don't you walk so fast
(My daughter cried)
Daddy, don't you walk so fast
Daddy, slow down some 'cause you're makin' me run
Daddy, don't you walk so fast
Daddy, slow down some 'cause you're makin' me run
Oh, daddy, don't you walk so fast
Nice Song!!!
哈哈,何兄應該不會是少年郎吧! 2013-09-08 15:04:53