2009-06-30 15:32:16新台美的雪莉酒


Perhaps 20 awake hours does make a difference to one's moods
I can't help but react to those words
I'm trying not to think about negative things
Block them all out
Display full avoidance
But when I'm mistakenly reminded,
It pricks
Even if I know it is out of good intentions instead of bad
But still, it stings

I hate it that I am such a people-pleaser at times
Why try so hard to please?
Do they deserve it?
Why am I doing it?
Does it really matter in the end?
I don't know... and I'm pulling my avoidance card again
Don't want to think about it
Keep the negativity away
Shouldn't the combination of Mickey Mouse and lovely fragrances increase endorphins?

Let everything go with the flow, I kept trying to convince myself
Flow...flow...into a clear stream of icy cold river
Bring myself back to the mountains, the lakes, the wonders of nature

It's pretty impressive how avoidance works.

