2008-02-19 23:23:06


am i the kind of person

who tests others like a riot

i just don’t know what to say

and i don’t like to talk to people who aren’t familiar to me

i’m scared of the awkward feeling

but u’r still my friend

we still can chat or what if we gonna tell each other sth

is it my problem

now i’m not the one u met before

nevermind ,

that’s all

every night waiting for a better relationship

everyday fail

maybe we’ll get sth to say tomorrow


i really don’t know where and what the point is

forgive me

i have nothing but saying some nonsence now

i don’t know

and i don’t really know what i’m talking about , either

i’ve already crossed the line last Nov.

it seems that nothing changed but everything changed

maybe i’m not gonna saying sorry now

u’ve already hate me a lot
