2004-03-29 12:30:00雪謠

I hate you..

i hate you..
you don't understand my feeling
i am sick and tired of your family..
i hate you .. i hate you...
why are you in my life
why you are hurting me
i hate you .. i hate you..
why don't you walk out of my life
why don't you just pretent that we are never together..
i hate you.. i hate....
i hate that i am still in love with you..
i hate that i can't give up on you
i hate myself.. i hate myself.. i really hate myself..
god.. why don't you kill me..
god.. why don't you just let me die..
god.. why don't you just let me forget everything..
god... why do you creat me..
god.. why do you make me hate myself so much..
god.. is that you don't like me too?
god.. is that you also hate me too?
god... if you don't like me.. or hate me.. why don't you just not creat me...

GOD... please.... i beg you...... PLEASE.....

L E T M E D I E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!