2009-04-20 10:19:31YUYU

BMI classification

2006-11-17 16:29

BMI classification

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults. It is defined as the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in metres (kg/m2). For example, an adult who weighs 70kg and whose height is 1.75m will have a BMI of 22.9.

    BMI = 70 (kg) / 1.752 (m2) = 22.9

Table 1: The International Classification of adult underweight, overweight and obesity according to BMI

    Classification BMI(kg/m²)
    Principal cut-off points Additional cut-off points
    Underweight <18.50 <18.50
         Severe thinness <16.00 <16.00
         Moderate thinness 16.00 - 16.99 16.00 - 16.99
         Mild thinness 17.00 - 18.49 17.00 - 18.49
    Normal range 18.50 - 24.99 18.50 - 22.99
    23.00 - 24.99
    Overweight ≥25.00 ≥25.00
         Pre-obese 25.00 - 29.99 25.00 - 27.49
    27.50 - 29.99
         Obese ≥30.00 ≥30.00
              Obese class I 30.00 - 34-99 30.00 - 32.49
    32.50 - 34.99
              Obese class II 35.00 - 39.99 35.00 - 37.49
    37.50 - 39.99
              Obese class III ≥40.00 ≥40.00
    Source: Adapted from WHO, 1995, WHO, 2000 and WHO 2004.
