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Man priced over defaced Cal king painting 13th June 2013Last changed at 22:30 gw2 power leveling eu Alors Share this page Delicious Digg Facebook reddit StumbleUpon Twitter Email Print Man asked to pay over defaced Queen painting The particular painting continued display a few weeks ago in the abbey's Chapter House Continue examining the main storyRelated StoriesNew face of King is produced A man arrested for defacing a portrait of the Double at Westminster Abbey continues to be charged. India Haries, 41, provided by Doncaster, South Yorkshire, look in custody of the children at Capital of scotland- Westminster Magistrates' Court for Friday. The electrician is involved in criminal damage in excess of £5,000. The gas painting with canvas by Ralph Heimans, that went on display screen in the Section House on May, was damaged by way of spray color on Thurs night. It was finished last year for ones Queen's Diamond Jubilee merrymaking events and explains the Princess in talk about dress. The episode came nine days rmtbuddyguildwars2powerleveling right after the monarch and other folks the Absolu Family visited a service for the abbey marking all of the 60th house warming of the girl's Coronation. Palace sitting The fat painting, named The Coronation Movie theater, Westminster Abbey: A Symbol of The girl's Majesty Ruler Elizabeth The second, has been taken away from public showcase as a result of the damaged tissues. The painting programs 9ft by 11ft not to mention depicts the actual monarch in the Sacrarium for Westminster Abbey, also known as all of the Coronation Theatre. It ended up being shown freely for the first time found in September found at Australia's National Image Gallery inside Canberra before being chosen London. The Australian-born musician and performer, who is online site London, were built with a sitting using the Queen located at Buckingham Palace within March recently. Police were recognized as to the abbey subsequent to midday upon Thursday soon after security guards imprisoned a man. A spokesman for Mister Heimans said any artist was basically "aware of the incident" but would not be placing comments further. Person charged finished defaced Queen painting