2008-08-22 12:20:44Sue
14 直觀大師的色塊
上圖 : El Greco, The tears of St. Peter, 1603-1607, Oil on canvas
102 x 84 cm, 收藏於西班牙 Hospital de San Juan Bautista de Afuera, Toledo
An Eye for Color 的作者Olga Gutierrez de la Roza以直觀的角度在面對畫作時,不多陳述畫家生平記事、畫派、風格,單純的面對色彩帶給他所產生的撞擊,簡潔有力的紀錄和標出色塊組合,值得我們參考。
102 x 84 cm, 收藏於西班牙 Hospital de San Juan Bautista de Afuera, Toledo
An Eye for Color 的作者Olga Gutierrez de la Roza以直觀的角度在面對畫作時,不多陳述畫家生平記事、畫派、風格,單純的面對色彩帶給他所產生的撞擊,簡潔有力的紀錄和標出色塊組合,值得我們參考。
上圖 : 根據El Greco, The tears of St. Peter的畫所標的色塊組合
★以下內文截取An Eye for Color的pg.96,El Greco,The Tear of St. Peter
For El Greco (1541-1614), color is symbolic. Value or the relative lightness or darkness of a color, is also a key factor in El Greco’s painting. In this on, The Tear of St. Peter, the light and dark areas play with each other to create a dramatic feeling.
El Greco’s paintings are frequently divided into two parts: the earthly and the celestial. It is in the latter that the artist exhibits his chromatic strength, with very saturated yellows, acidic greens, dense blue, and explosive violets, all of them involved in an extraordinarily rich, golden atmosphere.
色彩對El Greco (1541-1614)是具象徵性的
色彩的明暗度, 對El Greco的繪畫也是個關鍵要素
在這幅The Tear of St. Peter,明亮處和暗部之間相互產生戲劇性的感覺
El Greco 的繪畫頻繁地被劃分成二部份:塵世和神聖 (現實與超自然)。
★以下內文截取An Eye for Color的pg.96,El Greco,The Tear of St. Peter
For El Greco (1541-1614), color is symbolic. Value or the relative lightness or darkness of a color, is also a key factor in El Greco’s painting. In this on, The Tear of St. Peter, the light and dark areas play with each other to create a dramatic feeling.
El Greco’s paintings are frequently divided into two parts: the earthly and the celestial. It is in the latter that the artist exhibits his chromatic strength, with very saturated yellows, acidic greens, dense blue, and explosive violets, all of them involved in an extraordinarily rich, golden atmosphere.
色彩對El Greco (1541-1614)是具象徵性的
色彩的明暗度, 對El Greco的繪畫也是個關鍵要素
在這幅The Tear of St. Peter,明亮處和暗部之間相互產生戲劇性的感覺
El Greco 的繪畫頻繁地被劃分成二部份:塵世和神聖 (現實與超自然)。
An Eye for Color
The Artchive
台大網路藝術 El Greco
Wiki El Greco
An Eye for Color
The Artchive
台大網路藝術 El Greco
Wiki El Greco
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