2004-10-15 01:30:54尚未設定




How hot is your sex life?

our Sex Life Is -- Sizzling (24-30 points)
For you, sex is an exciting adventure -- all about passion and mutual satisfaction. There may be no place you would rather be than wrapped in a tight embrace. You know how to please your man and you clearly communicate your sexual needs and wants to him. And while you don't need experimentation to make your love life hot, you like to try new things, especially when you're feeling bored with your usual routine. Many women dream of having your energy, spontaneity and lack of inhibition.

How hot is your lover?

You're lover is red hot! You and your partner have a passionate sex life, thanks to obvious chemistry and a mutual desire to please each other. You're comfortable talking about sex with your love mate (a huge plus!), because he's open to hearing your commendations as well as any criticism (provided you express it nicely). With someone who goes out of his way to satisfy you sexually next to you in bed, you're one lucky woman! Still, every couple can use some between-the-sheets enhancements once in a while.