2013-11-27 17:36:15無欲無求

How to balance the commercialization of luxury brands Patek


How to balance the commercialization of luxury brands: Patek Philippe to learn (a)


become luxury goods from luxury


how it all happened? We take a look at all these years their shop figures can be understood, according to Fortune Character released "2012 China Luxury Report" in the "international luxury brands in China shop king TOP10" shows 12 years of Cartier in China store count up to 224 home, in the first place. The LV also reached number 50. As more and more consumers to buy their property from the beginning into a luxury luxury goods. And is this one word, the brand is produced naturally in the other. Study the fundamental reason is that the pursuit of profit maximization results. Nature of the business is profit-driven, and these brands were acquired in that day, perhaps doomed they have become a tool to make money, make more money becomes the main goal.


pursuit of profit is not a derogatory term, precisely because of the commercialization of the world become prosperous, but as such a special luxury goods, how to handle the balance of its commercialization is particularly important. This is indeed a technology live, obviously, as a luxury brand, it was a hit, it was fame and fortune.


balancing act of the master - Patek Philippe


Patek Philippe brand has been able to continue to maintain the strengths and height, which is directly related to the Patek Philippe balance. More commendable is Patek Philippe in many ways has the ability to control precisely.

 Yield on the balance

: Thierry Stern took over after the end of 2008, Patek Philippe fourth generation head, in a lot of convenience to make an important decision, one of which would increase production. Talking about here is a modest increase in production, according to Thierry Stern said, "is to increase the yield on the premise of quality is not affected." Increased production under this course can be understood, however, that he does not actually say anything, that is in the product does not cause flooding, reduce brand value situation. This is a control capacity and demand of accounting problems, Patek Philippe is generally the proportion of production capacity and demand controlled between 1:1.2 and 1.5. In the present case, Patek Philippe increments yields less than 2%.


Correspondingly is that more brands unrestrained, who are proud to shop a few more, all with the primary objective to make the channel sink. As long as there is demand, they miss every opportunity to make money, yes, every money market,LV包包, and ultimately they finally have a common harvest: brand popularity.


balance on the international market share: While Thierry Stern took over after a few years, the Chinese watch market once prosperous, many brands aggressively advance. And Thierry Stern wants a balance between Europe, Asia, America, the Middle East. 12 years of data, in Patek Philippe's global market, Europe accounted for 40%, while including China, Japan, the Asian market sales accounted for 33% of global sales, and the U.S. market accounted for 17%. The reason why the proportion of control,LV包包, because Thierry Stern responsibility for the family business, unwilling to let the brand to take too much risk in the market.


According to media reports the data at the beginning of 12, LV China sales accounted for nearly 40 percent, more than the birthplace of European luxury goods share 19% share and 23% share of the United States. Cartier's situation is relatively similar.


on aftermarket sales and balance: in the past two months, the media constantly reports luxury brand service issues, which were a problem with the service, but also the channel of communication. However, no matter which level issues, reflects that it is the pursuit of profit in the process consumers do not pay attention to the issue. Thierry Stern had a direct say "service center is actually used as a cost center exists, so many brands do not attach great importance to this service, but Patek Philippe will unswervingly investment in this area." "This is the Patek Philippe Patek speaking is critical to buy a Patek Philippe Patek need to spend a lot of money if you agree to pay so much money, then when you have a problem, we need to be there to help you solve. "


Patek Philippe customers of China says it will do, in order to better serve Chinese guests in September this year, Patek Philippe Shanghai officially opened centers of excellence, to lay the foundation for the security services.


we know, Patek Philippe up to China in the far sales of the brand, nor is it the most profitable brand, but the efforts made in the aftermarket made us feel his sincerity.

 Product development on the balance

: Patek Philippe product design very seriously, even changing the color of the dial, will deliberate. When mentioning the year Thierry Stern launched justice disk ash tray on the family after a long discussion process, and ultimately was able to achieve in Thierry Stern persuasion. Patek Philippe The reason for this is that the world wanted to maintain a unified, independent brand style, but in the meantime, will strive to innovate and progress.


In this regard, many brands approach is entirely market-oriented, good Chinese market, the Chinese market likes to do is watch. Indian market is good, they begin to make the Indian market like the table; original style can not make grades, they begin to engage in the concept of the eye in the shape of Bo, this is impetuous performance.


family business operating on the advantage of being controlled Patek Philippe Linlin try to play, it is these differences in the same market, the same conditions, resulting in differences in the results.


Chinese market is a rapidly changing market, consumer attitudes of Chinese consumers is also rising. No consumer focus, mercenary, money always thought Chinese people are stupid people who will find themselves in the end is the real fool.


(Source: watch industry observation / Author: Cris)

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