2008-06-15 19:36:36Steak Inn

※雅室經典午餐 Steak Inn Lunch <午餐>

(Including Bread or Rice,salad,Daily Soup,Main Course,Beverage)

主菜 Main Course

1.香煎雅室雞排襯時蔬 NT250
Chicken Thigh with Vegetables

2.香煎鯛魚佐柳橙醬汁 NT250
Snapper with Orange Sauce

3.香煎雅室雞排襯鯛魚 NT340
Chicken Thigh and Snapper

4.香煎雞排佐北海道大干貝 NT400
Chicken Thigh and Scallops

5.原汁燴牛肉佐時蔬 NT340 (建議附米飯)
Stewed Beef with Vegetables

6.銀芽菲力薄切片 NT380 (建議附米飯)
Fillet Chop with Vegetables

7.蒜辣海鮮墨魚麵 NT300
Ink Noodle with Seafood & Gralic Spice Sauce

8.明蝦海鮮燉飯 NT380
King Prawn Risotto

Add NT70 to Daily Soup Exchang Soup(Mushroom or Pumpkin or Onion Soup)
Add NT30 to Enjoy Dessert

Not Applicable for Weekend & Holiday

供應時間:週一~週五 11:30-14:30
Serving Time:Mon-Fri 11:30-14:30

PS:建議可事先預約 訂位專線:(02)27753011、(02)27753013
地址:台北市安和路一段49巷10號1F (鄰近富邦銀行總部)

10%服務費另計 Add 10% For Service Charge
