2019-06-29 00:00:00Solo

∮花落誰家65之雪祭13:Dream Walk∮

∮花落誰家之雪祭13:Dream Walk∮


  她一早拉開窗簾微笑喊著:酒,今天清晨是個雪後初晴的大晴天!我笑道:那你要戴太陽眼鏡拍拙政園的園林雪景!她驚訝說著,好神奇,天氣怎麼這麼配合呢?我們早點去早餐,然後就去拙政園,可能沒辦法去寒山寺了!我大笑:我又沒說要帶妳去寒山寺,那地方天氣好時,我是不去的,人擠人一點意思也沒有!我上回去那兒,是千禧年一月,我去寒山寺與黃昏仙女在楓橋夜泊的詩境裡約會,下大雪時,蘇州全城天空冷灰,寒山寺就我一個遊客,那才有意思呀!她取笑我:你喔,真的活脫像個古人,還來人間受苦!我微笑:不過,蘇州的拙政園雪景,我這次是第二次得見,我覺得雪的六角圖騰,很有古典美,像天生易碎的鑽石!一大清早天氣這麼好,我請妳聽一曲愉快的美國早期的民謠Jack of Diamonds,然後出門玩去,如何?她甜笑:我現在知道你的私人蘭陵樂坊的冰冰主唱與合音天使,為何這麼愛酒詩人了,因為呀,她們的酒愁哥就是酒愁歌,酒腦隨時可以蹦出好聽的歌出來,你這幾天都用古典英國與美國民謠把我灌醉。我低語著,不過那曲快樂的民謠裡,藏了一句椎心刺骨的詞:
Last night you were with me but today you are gone。她拍了我的肩輕說:酒愁聽歌好像都把感情投影進曲子裡了,今日天使賞了一個雪後初晴,咱們就一起賞雪去,天使說不許不開心!

Jack of Diamonds 


Jack of Diamonds, Jack of Diamonds, I know you of old
You have robbed my poor pockets of silver and gold
Tis raining, 'tis hailing, 'tis a dark stormy night
And my horses cannot travel for the moon gives no light
My horses cannot travel for the moon gives no light
Go put up your horses and feed them some hay
Then sit down beside me till the light of the day
My horses ain't hungry, they won't eat your hay
So fair thee well, Darlin', I'll be on my way
So fair thee well, Darlin', I'll be on my way
I'll build me a cabin on the mountain so high
Where the wild geese can see me as they pass me by
As sure as the dewdrop grows on the green corn 
Last night you were with me but today you are gone
Last night you were with me but today you are gone
Jack of Diamonds, Jack of Diamonds, I know you of old
You have robbed my poor pockets of silver and gold
Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, I wish you no harm
But I wish I had a bottle as long as my arm
I wish I had a bottle as long as my arm
Traditional American
Lyrics adapted and arranged by Connie Dover
From the CD Somebody (Songs of Scotland, Ireland and Early America) by Connie Dover
This version of the 19th-Century American folk song comes from southern Missouri, and its melody can be traced to the Scottish song, "Farewell to Tarwathie." Thanks to my father, Doil Dover and to fiddler Rebecca Pringle for help with the lyrics.


The Baron of Brackley
Down Deeside rode Inverey a-whistlin' and playin'
He alit at brave Brackley's gates ere it was dawn
Cries Baron of Brackley it's are you within
There are sharp swords at your gates would make your blood spin

Up spoke the proud Baron from the castle wall
Have you come Inverey for to plunder my hall
Or if ye be gentlemen alight and come in
If you drink of my wine you'll no make my blood spin
Up spake his lady at his back where she lay
She heard the the cows lowing o'er hill and o'er brae
Oh rise up oh Brackley and turn back your kye
The lads of Drumwarren are driving them by

How can I rise up and go out again
For if I have one man he surely has ten
Rise up oh Brackley and be not afraid
They're but hired young brigands with belted up plaids

She called on her ladies to come to her hand
Saying bring your rocks, lassies, we will them command
If I had a husband as what I hae nane
He'd no lie in his bed and see his kye ta'en

Arise Peggy Gordon and bring me my gun
Oh I will go out but I'll never come in
Then kiss me my Peggy I'll no longer stay
Oh I will go out and meet young Inverey

When Brackley was ready and stood in the close
A bonnier gallant ne'er mounted a horse
What'll come of your lady and your bonny young son
What'll come of them all when Brackley is gone?

Strike dogs, cries Inverey, and fight till you're slain
For we are four-hundred, ye are but four men
Strike you proud boaster, your honor is gone
Your lands we will plunder, your castle we'll burn
I'll stand here, cries Brackley, do you think I would fly
But here I will fight and here I will die
First they killed ane and then they killed twa
And then they killed Brackley, the flower of them all.

Came ye by the castle and was ye in there
Saw ye Peggy Gordon a-tearing her hair
As I came by Brackley, as I came by there
I saw pretty Peggy a-braiding her hair

She was ranting and dancing and singing for joy
She swore that ere night she would feast Inverey
She ate with drank with him, welcomed him in
Was kind to the man that had slain her Baron

Oh fie on ye lady why did ye deceive
Ye opened the gates to the false Inverey
There's grief in the kitchen, there's mirth in the hall
For the Baron of Brackley is dead and awa' 

Traditional Scottish
From the CD, Somebody (Songs of Scotland, Ireland and Early America)
by Connie Dover
A ballad based on an alleged real-life feud between John Gordon of Brackley and John Farquharson of Inverey, Braemar, whose cattle were impounded by Gordon in 1666



  我問她:簡單說完了,酷不酷?她微笑:你在我耳邊胡說八道地很精彩,你都不怕我醉了,愛上你!我輕聲說:不怕,因為有約法三章,可是呢,妳不是早就醉了嗎?還變成小酒鬼了!已經被電得七葷八素的了呀,還每天學天使一直撒嬌!妳不是天使派來的信使嗎?所以天使特許妳愛我幾天,享受被疼愛的感覺,哈哈!我還得把妳平安地帶回台北!好了,該請妳聽首爵士鋼琴,準備進上海那個大都會了!等會妳到上海火車站,可要跟好喔,人很多的,我怕妳走失!她撒嬌道:這個不怕,就緊緊牽好你就可以了!這幾日與你同行,確實不枉此生了!對了,那爵士鋼琴曲叫什麼名字?我微笑:Dream Walk。聽完後,再請妳聽織夢!聽完就差不多要進上海都會區了!

Dream Walk Keiko Matsui(松居慶子) 1996
Album:Dream Walk Jazz Piano
Live at Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco,1997

The Weaving(織夢)
Wind on the water stirring me deep
I hear you calling my soul
Ancient ones nearing mysteries they keep
What secrets this time will be told
Grandmother Spirit I feel you here
Gently guiding this flight
Softly you whisper we spin and we spiral
To the center, the center of the light
Oh, softly you whisper, we spin in a circle
To the center of the light
Weaving the patterns more ancient than time
Sparkling crystal dreams
Ho sacred fabric, eternal flame
From the center is now manifesting
Grandmother Spirit I feel you here
Gently guiding this flight
Softly you whisper, we spin and we spiral
To the center, the center of the light
Yes, softly you whisper, we spin in a circle
To the center of the light
Weaving, weaving, we are weaving Ah, Ah, Ah
Weaving, weaving, we are weaving Ah, Ah, Ah
Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah
Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah
Weaving, weaving, we are weaving Ah, Ah, Ah
Weaving, weaving, we are weaving Ah, Ah, Ah
On the earth love now is flowing
Hearts are open wide
Like the warmth of a blanket we are enfolding
Earth Mother in the healing light
Grandmother Spirit I feel you here
Gently guiding this flight
Weaving the patterns more ancient than time
Behold the wonders of this night
Softly you whisper, we spin and we spiral
To the center, the center of the light
Yes, softly you whisper, we spin in a circle
To the center of the light
Behold the wonders of this night
Weaving the patterns of the light
Weaving, weaving, we are weaving Ah, Ah, Ah
Weaving, weaving, we are weaving Ah, Ah, Ah
Written by Denean
© Copyright 1993 Sacred Earth Music, BMI
All Rights Reserved 

  走在上海月台上,她驚訝道:上海居然是雨夾雪的天氣,早上蘇州還放晴呢,結果現在又是冷灰的雨夾雪,又是有點凍的天氣!我道;咱們還是先到和平飯店去,在外灘那附近在有商店,不用急著打酒的!等會,我先帶妳去商店買東西,之後妳乖乖在飯店等我,我出門與小雪一起去掃墓看天使,晚上回來帶妳晚餐,還有聽老爵士樂團!她在房裡說著,我知道你為何要聽Dream Walk和The Weaving(織夢)了,因為冰冰就是你酒詩歌裡,最美的拾夢天使!
