Very interesting~~
Try it!!
A New Way to Introduce My Blog
too bad, for now Pchome doesn’t have this function. I saw some people that designed the page like this way. I think most of people prefer the simple one. Because it is too professional.
下班回家第一件事 就是開電腦點薰香 讓檀香味撫平煩躁 / 昨天翻了一篇網路小說 夭壽的腦動大開 故事背景放在架空的古代
(失蹤:他們存在過/劇照) 霧隱山間,有座幽村,只迎來影子,不見活人,迷失的靈魂,在此駐足,等一場尋覓,盼一聲回音。他們存在,卻
防曬不分四季,不過防曬產品的選擇真的讓萍果好困擾, 因為萍果很討厭那種悶悶厚厚的膚感, 所以清爽的質地,是萍果選擇防曬品的
too bad, for now Pchome doesn’t have this function.
I saw some people that designed the page like this way.
I think most of people prefer the simple one.
Because it is too professional.