2009-02-24 10:15:06長小魚


前幾天上完課一回到家就很興奮的告訴簡老大我在學校寫了一個短篇的fairy story

Jeff 給了我們十一個題目,

Why are there stars in the sky?

Why does the river run to the sea?

Why do we have a full moon?

Why do bananas grow up instead of down?

Why is there snow?

Why do porcupines have needles?

Why does a turtle have a hard shell?

Why does a caterpillar turn into a butterfly?

Why do leaves turn colors before they fall from the trees?

Why do giraffes have long necks?

Why do zebras have stripes?

要我們從中選一個發揮, 你猜猜看我選了哪個題目?

簡老大: 猜不出來, 你選哪一個?

我說: Why is there snow

簡老大: 這還用問, 因為雲層水氣太多加上天氣很冷所以就下雪呀

我說: 可是我們是要寫fairy story, 不是回答自然科學試卷耶

簡老大: 那你怎麼寫

我: Once upon a time, there was a very tall mountain called Mr. Huge.

Since it was the highest mountain in the forest, it could see other mountains' heads;

however,he never knew how his head looked. Were there any blue flowers on it?

Where there any roses on it? ............................................................................


One afternoon, a girl in a white dress and a white hat was playing under his feet.

She  looked so fantastic!Mr. Huge fell in love  with that girl, so he bent down and asked her,

" Do you love me?"

" No!" the girl replied.


" Because you don't have any hair on your head!"

Since then, Mr. Huge prayed to the Lord to give him a white hat like the girl's,

and the Lord heard his prayer during his vacation to the forest. The Lord was so touched by

Mr. Huge's words and decided to make his dream come true. So he sent many many snow

fairies to Mr. Huge's head, which made him look like a handsome man with a white hat.

Now Mr. Huge always wears a white hat whenever it snows...

簡老大: 你的故事一點也不make sense, 那些灑落在地上的雪你要怎麼解釋?

我: 不然你也來編一個

簡老大: 你幫我選個題目好了

我: Why do zebras have stripes? (為甚麼斑馬的身上有斑紋?)

簡: Because they eat to much chocolate.( 因為牠們吃了太多巧克力)

我: 那你怎麼解釋老虎身上也有斑?

簡: Because they eat too many zebras.(因為牠們吃了太多斑馬)

我: @#$%&....

親愛的朋友們, 如果你正愁著日子太無聊太寂寞


第一次買鮮奶油回家裝飾蛋糕~~ Mt. Chocolate下雪囉!


芸菁 2009-02-26 00:05:28


常魚 2009-02-24 22:27:12




小儀子 2009-02-24 12:22:01
