2006-09-19 00:23:06So...what

School begins

long time no entry la
not because i am busy, main reason is the poor system of pchome
do sthg foolish again....too bad, i go to the wrong classroom twice
and also this sem must be full, coz i may try to take 28 credits
i want squeeze every class into the schedule
this may seem a little bit crazy
frankly speaking, i dun want myself slack off
results of year one sem two is out, too bad,
for sure can’t get scholarship from the school
today is too tired la
write more next time
juju 2006-09-26 12:54:21

haha, soso, my first entry here ar, hehe, ganbatte ne, u will be fine ga la, hohohoh, cuz u r soso ar ma!!!! Yeah

mi 2006-09-19 16:40:39

so!!!! be more energetic la!
dont dwell in the past ma, forget the result in year one ~~ work harder this semester, you will do well gei ^^
add oil add oil ~~ when can i see u in msn lei ^~^