2003-12-06 21:57:00Zosoo...~

4th December, 2003......

last nite went up to CiCi's dorm and watched VCD and DVD....
so fun... ka~ bt the result of that is --> tired..... -_-''
about 2 in the morning I texted Joe...
coz I thought that Jason in 6th rare floor quite like him...
and I am quite like Karena... but he didn't text back... -_-''

maths first thing in the morning...
quite boring... so I just weaf that little bracelet thing...
got my Maths test back... 39 out of 40~
ka~ so cool~

in PE, me and Katrina both gone mad...
we played Badminton.. and we lost our every single games!!
so fun!! then we walked around the school~~ ka~
DJ was playing rubgy in new's house area...~ ka~

then in piano lesson.. i decided not to play Mozart for the year 10 concert...
instead of that, I am going to play Beethoven.....~ how fun.....''
cham... hv to practise again.... -_-''
then after that i was looking for Miss Ward.. but there wasn't anybody in the music centre...
then I met a girl like me... (walking round in the corridor....'' ) ka~
she was waiting for Mr. Finch..
then mean while.. Mr Finch came back...
then talked to me about the viola....
ka~ then a very riducious thing happen!!
I bought a viola!!!! for £320!!!! hahahahah~~~~
so cool~~

then I realised that Joe has text back.. he asked if he is that important to me....
i said yes..... coz he is actually quite important....~
don't ask... dunno....

after school rang mum... and told her about the viola...
she said it was fine..!! amazingly...~!!

prep I finally finished copying all Joe's messages....
not very happi.. coz I miz him....''
then about 8:30pm.. Joe texted me and told me to ring him at 10:30..
(in a ordering tone..!!) then anyway.. I didn't ring him..
coz I fell to sleep.... well.. actually I did ring him, but he didn't answer....
oh well...~ dun care...