2005-11-08 22:08:06smallkai

First time~

This is the first time for me to open diary to write ,,,today ’s chinese test ,,,ai,,,want to die,,cannot finish,,,

ai,,,but wt i most concerned is.....i found myself changed a lot,,,,
why..is this me??? Why i became so unhapi in my form 6,,,,
can anyone tell me why,,dunno y,,,,it seems nobody cares about me,,,where a u ,,,my dear frd,,,fiona ,,,why,,wt happen between us?? is it i have got some problem ,,,,,or anything that i made u unhapi...i really dunno,,but wt i can feel is that u a not the same to me in form 5and 6,,i really want to know why..is it just because of your colleague?? i dunno,,,,i m misleading,,,i dunno wt i should do,,,recess...nobody cares me,,nobody wait for me,,,wt,,,m i really hatred??? Why u can have such a lot to talk with cell but never talk with me,,,y u never sit with me,,,,

m i too sensitive or,......u also feel about this,,,,,,can u consider my position...i m really not forcing u ,,,,i just want to tell myself about my real feelings inside,,,if i can leave for pre u...i must certainly go,,,,

cell,....is it u always want to criticize me,,,,,m i wrong,,,y dun u consider me,,,today i really want to be grouped with fiona,,but,,y ,,,y u have to say such words that seems asking but is actually ordering me to go to another group?......and y u always have inch attitudes towards me,,,

gemma,,,wt’s the matter,,,can u tell me,,,yesterday, your attitude really make me very unhapi,,,but y,,,y u still think that i m wrong,,y u treat me like this,,,with such attitudes.....u always said u want to help me,,but ,,,i really dunno when u a true ,,, u can treat w like this,,i think u can also treat me the same way,,,,

God...can u help me overcome all these things,,,i really got suffocated ,,,and very tired already..just a little concern ,,can i receive,,,,

i dun want my recess time to be like that,,,chasing after all u 3 without notifying my exist,,,,,can i have u asking me to sit beside me when nobody sits with me,,,,,can u understand the feeling of me,,,

y u just sit beside me when u 2 dun have choice...i dun want to be the second,,,,

i really need all your support to stand up to stand still,,,

hope that unhapi days will soon run away from me....