2010-03-22 23:01:47藍天澄

A Night for......

Time flies.
One day after another day.
One night after another night.

I haven't heard my voice of heart for a long time.
Everyday I just keep myself alive in normal-functional mode.
Being tired, I still need to tell myself that I need to be conscious.
Nearly falling into sleep on class, I don't know why I need to do so many things everyday.

Laeving computer maybe a good choice for me.
After typing this diary at my hall's computer room,
I would go back to my room for reading and writing.

This night, I want to do something for me.
Maybe, it's also for you, because I can't find another way to express my feeling.
Thanks God, I can still be alive.
Thanks HIM, let me to think of you.^^
