2002-07-10 10:27:23YaN


你們好嗎?? 有想我多多嗎? Heheh~~ ^++++++^
有le?keke… ^^V(如果冇的話…就不要跟我說了..裝有好了~~~)
剛剛才找到dim樣係這部電腦寫中丈…finally找到了~ ^^V Yeah!
Me ho smart ar!! Haha..
(-_____________-# er…. sure..!!~)
Newaz…..返o左香港的感覺……很很很很很叉!!!!!!空氣很….dirty..常常弄到我sneeze..真厭討!!! : {
返o左香港買o左小小衣服…很小出街..不過…..from now on…我會常常出街的…kekek…^^V.. From now on le.. wen I c any hot guyz ga gwa le,..
keke.. I will report ge!! Keke.. or mayb I will take a foto of him 2..... haha..
like wut suie sad~~︿︿
:P~ yup~ i will come all da time 2 check msg and write more ga la~~go shoppin lu~ ~♥