2005-09-30 01:05:47冷眼看人間的貓女

I need a real life !!

Ever since I came back from the State last year,
I think I start to lose the sense of being myself.

Taipei is a big city ... fun and hoping ...
but who really ask themselves ... Who they are?

"Unexamed life is not worth living !"
Today, I examed my life and I realized I am not living a life that worth living. Maybe it is the depression speaking ... but I don’t feel I am living my life !!

I am not living a life I wanted...
I always told myself that the things I am doing right now will be the stepping stone for the future life I want !!
Can I still keep up to it ? Will I lost myself in this city with no souls ?

While the emptiness and nothingness is comsuming my conciousness ...
What is left inside of me ?

I am not happy ...

I hate this place, I hate this world ... and worse of all .....


I hate myself !!