2003-08-12 22:03:15shitone


若要決心難為我 何必手軟
No guilty to leave me
離開幼稚園 怎可擔心跌損
No innocent, don't need to worry about me

若你還是男人 分手不用氣喘
If you are a man, just ask me to leave you
It is better to be your second choice

點起香煙說對不起 你交足戲
No need to regret
That's my choice

或者喜歡你 完全為麻醉自己
I love you because I am addicted of you
No loneliness even I leave my job

談什麼戀愛 無需深愛
No deep love while we are in love
We can't help to make that relationship right
難得到你的將來 誰會覺得詫意外
I feel no suprise by knowing we haven't future

誰人都可愛 誰也可不愛
You can love anyone or love neither of one
The one I loved left
但是沒有害 麻木的我與你暗中往來
No harm caused, as I don't feel hurt
How cruel is...I like to be loved

就算忘掉眉梢有 什麼吸引
I can't forget
忘不了汗毛 減不輕的敏感
Memory brings me a bad feeling

沒有留下紋身刻骨 一樣銘心
It tells a unforgettable turth, even it is not a tatoo written on my heart
How can I forget?

Takashi, it is a song which I liked so much......even though it is a sad song,actually......It tells the truth of a relationship......no one can stop while a relationship is going to break up.......who can see the future????