2013-02-03 20:32:20小錢

day 26 black market

直接從筆記co拷下來   英文越來越退步了
時至今日  我已經不能罵人罵得如此流利


cell phone lost 
credit card die
survived from summer camp
update log on facebook

we went to black market this afternoon. Even though we didn't buy anything , we had a great lunch and nice talking. Emily got some weird problem of her program fee. however, we all agree with that not paying so soon until getting understand what money she paid. it's so different from her country, so is my country, that how people deal with money stuff. and we got to know her home stay doesn't get any money from her.
when we're back home. i receive a round cake of my 31th birthday. it's so touched. Originally, I thought i just wanna my 31th birthday be quietly passed. i'm so happy that i have this kinda MN family here.

In the evening, Jd went out to take a walk. HM asks me to take shower first. she said that Jd's always slow. i realize that she concerned too much about herself. maybe it's because she meditated her inner-side frequently and careless outer environment and interaction with someone else. she's weak at build the relationship between people. i think she's not selfish, and she's only ignore other's feeling. it could be seen on her shower time and how she dried her sneakers by hair drier at mid-night. she always make the floor of bathroom wet but never to dry it out. she just has no sense to live with other people or housemate.

i thank God sent her to me. let me learn a negtime lesson form her.

i boil hot water for next person to shower, of course JD is. i couldn't stop thinking how sweet i am. therefore, still need to be aware of it, " do not be an annoying person, and keep being sensitive enough."  

God, help both of us to be the perfect people. Amen