2008-08-22 22:40:54Quintina
Freedom Within -James Dillet Freeman (1912-2003)
Pensacola的Santa Rosa島上有個好心的女士給我們一些土司,海鷗超熱情的…
How free the eagle who at height
Of heaven flings himself in flight,
But his high flights has first to start
Not in the sky, but in his heart.
Likewise with me, how shall I find
Freedom if not within my mind,
And learn, as thought by thought I try,
That I may fall, yet I can fly,
and even sometimes rise up free
Beyond the highest heights of me.
去年去Pensacola在一家小gallery發現他的詩。當時是一首叫做flowers of dogwood的詩,很震撼我的心。但現在卻找不到了…只記得dogwood不是一種花而是葉子,但長的像花。為了怕忘記這個人,找了他其他的詩來代替。
Atlanta有很多dogwood tree