2013-06-13 15:35:17shalulu25

Against the labor law

The Employment Relations (Continuity of Labour) Amendment Bill was drafted by National's Jami-Lee Ross and has been drawn from the members' bill ballot.

It will go on parliament's agenda for a first reading, craft cubes probably next month.

The bill repeals section 97 of the Employment Relations Act, which prevents employers using alternative labour during strikes or lockouts.

Mr Ross drafted it because he believes the restriction gives unions a significant advantage during negotiations.

Council of Trade Unions secretary Peter Conway says it's a strike-busting piece of legislation.

"It should not be supported by the government," he said.

"If this bill becomes law then it would reduce the impact of a strike, create huge conflict between strikers and replacement labour and make it harder to protect pay and conditions Warm White LED Bulb."

Mr Conway says the government has so far rejected the policy and he's hoping it won't change its mind.

The explanatory note in the bill says restricting the ability of employers to engage temporary replacement labour can have a considerable impact on the productivity and financial viability of an organisation.

"Repealing section 97 will restore balance to collective bargaining negotiations by maintaining the ability for unions to strike while allowing employers the ability to replace striking workers temporarily to maintain business continuity," it says.

Because it isn't a government bill, the legislation isn't assured of passing but if Mr Ross can persuade his National Party colleagues to support it mutual fund performance, as well as ACT's John Banks and United Future's Peter Dunne, he will have the numbers to get it through.