2010-04-30 11:27:18惜別會

Beanbean brings us the deepest meaning of life


"Today, while we see our darling gal Beanbean suffering form illness and wound, our hearts are tremendously burning . But, we also truly feel the deepest meaning of life - that's love.

Actually, life is always rife with grievances and which seem to be inevitable and are unable to be shielded off. So, what life means if it is so unbearable with lots of intricated hardships? We see life as being - and being is to love and to be loved. Without love, life is not existed, life is empty and life is meaningless.

Love is boundless, inborn and unconditional. Many people said not only until you have become parents, you can never attain the genuine love.

For us, may be we have no chance to become real parents and that's our choice and we trust that it is the best idea of God. However, the Mighty He has endowed us with another kind of parental experience which brings us the deepest meaning of life.

That we chose to become the 'parents' of Beanbean, our beloved doggie.

Dogs and humans? May be some people may tease at us now. But, I see no difference since there is absolutely no boundary in true love, right?

Over the last decade, from a puppy to a fully grown dog, we have greatly enjoyed the enormous love of Beanbean in each second. She simply conveys us the sincere warmth and loving affection without asking for any returns.

On the other hand, we love Beanbean, not because she can cheer us up while we are upset, not because she can bring us laughter while we are in tears, just because, there is sort of entangled knot of love binding us together. There is no reason to explain and we consider this as the most geniune love.

My husband and I, always believe in love. We are destined to be found and to be loved by each other on this lonely planet. Beanbean comes to our life as kind of destiny too. She serves as the best proof of our faith.

And such kind of love is unyielding and imperishable ..."


(惜 100430)



Momo~ 2010-06-26 16:28:53


真慶幸BEAN BEAN 沒事了~

百易靈 2010-05-01 07:54:57

十年永永! 五月情不泯 ...


祝福 i&m