2005-07-13 21:06:39薩巴斯汀

Kissing a FOOL

踩著仿Louis XIV高跟鞋,在清晨無人街頭蹲在水溝旁盯著雄蝶緊追著雌蝶強迫交尾,不知誰正唱著 but remember this every other kiss that you'll ever give long as we both live when you need the hand of another man or you really can surrender with ,I will wait for you like I always do there's something there that can't compare with any other......
Kissing a fool ,是的!讓我產生錯覺的以為你正著著四角平口褲,睡眼惺忪的站在我身邊準備為我加冕,我是真的餓了,狼吞虎嚥你單線眼皮的簡約青春