2016-04-16 02:33:01seantfc2888

國小線上教學 線上一對一教學 feed-control valve中文意思是什麼

    商業英語對話 一對一學英文我學英文的方法 如何開始學英文 線上一對一英文教學初級全民英檢 英檢考試 全民英檢中級複試線上英文教學比較 學英文的app學測英文文法 新竹 英文會話 全民英檢中級成績查詢免費英語學習 英檢中高級 英檢報名英語會話家教 全民英檢gept安親班課程 美語教學網站



feed-control valve中文意思是什麼

全民英檢初級報名時間 設計學習feed-control valve解釋


  • feed: feed1fee 的過去式及過去分詞。vt 1 給…飲食,給…東西吃;給(嬰兒)餵奶。2 喂養,飼養,使吃草,放牧...
  • control: n 1 支配,管理,管制,統制,控制;監督。2 抑制(力);壓制,節制,拘束;【農業】防治。3 檢查;核...
  • valve: n 1 【機械工程】閥,活門,舌門;汽門。2 【解剖學;動物學】瓣,瓣膜;(貝)殼瓣;【植物;植物學】...

  • Fuzzy and front feed control of induction heating temperature

  • Control valve operating lever

  • Afcv air fuel ratio control valve

  • To provide necessary data for design bypass pipe, an enlargement to bi liu river reservoir, the following problems have been studied by hydraulic model and theoretical analysis : the energy losses in water head of the bypass pipe system and of the flow - control valve and their scale effects, measurement and calculation of the discharge of the bypass pipe system during the bypass pipe system operation with and without the new water power station, the hydraulic characteristics of the water tunnel and draw - off pipe, the flow rate of the aqueduct bridge and the draw - off pipe and the water elevation of the flow in the aqueduct bridge during the old water power station operation with and without the new water power station

  • Cancv canister control valve


    feed-back pistonpiston, feed-batch culture, feed-check valve, feed-controlled extruder, feed-controlled extrusion, feed-forward neural network

    feed-control valve中文意思是什麼

    全民英檢報名日期 日常英語會話 英文會話課
      輕鬆學英文 全民英檢線上測驗唱英文歌學英文 為何要學英文上班族英文雜誌 英語家教老師 英文背單字免費 英文線上學習 補習英語補習班 一對一線上英文教學 全民英檢初級單字免費英文聽力 影片學英文英語會話家教 全民英檢gept免費英文學習 高中英文補習國小線上教學 線上一對一教學師德英檢成績 英檢補習班
