2012-03-17 15:11:46KK







When minutes become hours                 分秒變作小時

When days become years                       日子化成年月    

And I dont know where you are              欠缺你的身影

Color seems so dull without you             生活黯淡  再無色彩


Have we lost our minds                                  迷失困惑

What have we done                                        行屍走肉  

But it all doesnt seem to matter anymore        又如何


When you kissed me on that street I kissedyou back  還記得在街上吻你

You held me in your arms I held you in mine                 緊抱你

You picked me up to lay me down                                 放不下

When I look into your eyes                                             你的明眸

I can hear you cry for a little bit more ofyou and I          清徹帶淚

Im drenched in your love                                                沉浸於你的愛中

Im no longer able to hold it back                                     不能自拔


Is it too late to ask for love                                             現在說愛 會否太遲

Is it wrong to feel right                                                   還有感覺 是否有錯

When the world is winding down                                   即使世界將盡

Thoughts of you linger around                                       仍想有你在旁


Have we lost our minds                                                

What have we done               

But it all doesnt seem to matter anymore


When you kissed me on that street I kissedyou back

You held me in your arms I held you in mine

You picked me up to lay me down

When I look into your eyes

I can hear you cry for a little bit more ofyou and I

Im drenched in your love

Im no longer able to hold it back

