2005-04-23 19:01:183

Fish in the Tank

Putting fish into tank requires even more study.

Marine Care and Compatibility Table

* a. PEACEFUL - not commonly known to bother other fish.
* b. SPIRITED - normally peaceful, but may chase slow species.
* c. MILDLY AGGRESSIVE - should not be kept with slow or timid species.
* d. AGGRESSIVE - should be kept with larger, active fish.
* e. TERRITORIAL - attempts to drive away fish of the same or related species and even unrelated fish with similar shape or colors.
* f. PUGNACIOUS - not acceptable in community tanks.
* g. VULNERABLE - likely to be harassed, picked on, or fin nipped by other fish, sometimes even by otherwise peaceful fish.
* h. CHANGEABLE - may be mixed with other fish when young, but may become more aggressive when older, and may eat smaller fish.
* i. HARDY - tolerant of various water conditions and not commonly affected by hard to treat diseases.
* j. MODERATELY HARDY - a good specimen for a healthy aquarium.
* k. TOUCHY - sensitive to water quality or disease prone.
* l. SUBJECT TO "ICH" - particularly sensitive to this common but treatable parasite.
* m. FAST GROWTH - may become much larger than purchased size.
* n. HERBIVOROUS - need additional vegetable matter in the diet.
* o. CARNIVOROUS - eats primarily "meaty" type foods, including brine shrimp, plankton or fish of suitable size.
* p. EATS SESSILE INVERTEBRATES - feeds on or kills anemones, live corals, sponges, feather dusters or live rocks.
* q. EATS MOTILE INVERTEBRATES - feeds on or kills shrimp, crabs or starfish.
* r. SPECIAL FOOD - may require a special diet to remain healthy.
* s. FILTER FEEDER - requires liquified foods.