2020-08-02 06:07:48savina111


Weaknesses of VPN services

Although these services give users a lot of freedom, they are not all-powerful. In order not to be under any illusions, we should mention some things that the VPN service cannot do.

Governments and Internet service providers can take draconian measures, against which VPN services are virtually powerless. For example, they will not help if your provider for some reason decided to block Internet access for you personally, or if the administration of a website decided to disable access to VPN servers. Any government can restrict its citizens ' access to the world wide web, leaving them only an internal or local segment. As you can see, there are barriers that even BroVPN can't overcome.

It is also very important to choose a conscientious VPN provider with a good reputation. No matter how well you are protected from the actions of your main provider or government authorities, your IP address will be available to the VPN service, which reserves the right to treat it as it sees fit. You may be promised not to collect data about visited resources and not to provide it to the security services, but there is no guarantee that the promise will be fulfilled. First, it is technically difficult to achieve complete anonymity. Secondly, there are many dishonest VPN services that fraudulently entice users to sign up, put forward tempting offers, offering a cheap or free VPN service with the same promises not to collect personal data, but do everything exactly the opposite.

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tafinka 2020-08-03 19:09:11

Provides a full range of protection for transmitted data on the Internet and anonymity in the network, encrypts all transmitted and received traffic of a particular user using special algorithms. Allows you to visit sites that are blocked in Your region (even those in the block at the provider level)

kivina 2020-08-03 18:54:54

VPN – this application allows the user to gain freedom of access and security in the Internet space. This process is performed by hiding the real ip address of the device from which you surf the Internet. By hiding the ip address, the app securely masks it by connecting to a third-party server.

tagivata 2020-08-03 18:27:48

Let's consider not a hypothetical, but a real situation of using VPN ssr开启udp转发 https://www.zhongyirongzi.com technology. At the moment, the use of free and usually open Wi-Fi networks in cafes, hotels and other public areas is becoming more and more popular. The number of devices that you can use to connect to the Internet is constantly growing, including mobile phones, PDAs, netbooks, and so on. This is no doubt convenient at any time to read news on the Internet, check your email, connect to your favorite social network. But is it safe? Are you sure that using open and unsecured Wi-Fi networks, no one will intercept your passwords and accesses?