2007-02-15 20:26:05Yu Yi, TSAI


1, 講法語Speaking French
2, 表達對起司, 酒類的喜愛show your appreciation for French cheeses and wine
3, 能言善道 Debate well
4, 新穎新鮮的想法Present novel ideas
5, 對法國文化喜愛Appreciation for French culture such as movies, books, arts, musics, histories and so on
6, 用法式的應對方式或禮儀Follow French manners
7, 講重點 Be punctual
8, 送禮的話 不用太貴重 但講究細心考慮過對方 並且記住一定要包裝的很好
(不要送一些印有公司LOGO的小禮品)A gift should be high quality and wrapped beautifully (Do not offer anything which is with company logo)
9, 座要有座相 站要有站相 禁忌座時兩腳張開, 別在客人在時餐後剔牙 Do not sit with legs spread apart, use toothpicks in front of others.
10, 被請客時,記得要將餐盤裡的東西都吃光光. 若是盤中還有剩是不禮貌的
Taste everything offered, leaving foods on your plate is impolite.
11, 跟人說話或是做簡報時, 手插口袋是不禮貌的Do not put your hands on your pockets when doing presentation or speaking or greeting someone.
12, 做簡報時記得要正式且專業 Presentations are made in a formal and professional style
13, 除非要好朋友否則切忌請勿詢問任何個人隱私的事 Do not ask a French person about their occupational salary, age, or family status unless you have a well-established friendship
14, 使用last name加上職銜或是Monsieur/madam, 在法國只有親近的朋友 同學或是家人才直稱姓名 Use last namea and titles unless invites to use first names. In France, only family, classmates and close friends call each other by first names.
15, 記得寄感謝函或去電致謝主人的盛情款待Remember to send a thank you notes or telephone the next day to thank the host