2010-04-15 17:33:06无人岛

Stomach upset

Sigh... painful...

Gastric and stomach get upset since Monday. I guess it's becoz d food or drinks i've taken???

My family doctor used to say it is coz by virus infection. I came to know my stomach is very fragile since baby, should I use fragile or sensitive? I will easily get diarrhea after drinking fresh and cold milk, even food like curry, anything content with coconut milk will also make me 'weak'.

Then slowly I know I lactose intolerant prob, sensitive to any foods and drinks which content high protein. I guess it bcoz lack of gastrointestinal mucosa, it effected in absorbing and digesting.

Nothing much I bother, it's just too common sense for me.

Some more my mum, my brothers have the same prob like me, what's so big deal?

I was thinking, perhaps, maybe... I might died in colon cancer.
