2015-11-16 20:18:38李奕

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우리는 단순한 '연습'이 아닌 '고민'을하며 준비중입니다. 이런 작업 다운 작업은 정말 오랜만이며 우리는 가슴떨리는 설렘으로 여러분들을 만날날을 기다리고있습니다^^❤️ '관람'이 아닌 '체험'을하고 가실 수 있도록 , 우리가 만드는 'phantasia'가 그냥 '환상' 이 아닌 'Hyperreality'를 경험하실 수 있도록 #오늘도출근해야지 #끄응 #꼭보러오세요 -사진은첫번째회의후너더루너더루된소녀시대

11월 21,22 #올림픽체조경기장 #소녀시대콘서트
#phantasia #Girlsgeneration #Snsd #rinokinawa #5daystillphantasia

We are doing more than simply "practicing." It's been such a long time since we have been preparing for something like this so our hearts are fluttering in excitement until we meet you all. Rather than just "watching" our show we want you to "experience" it so that 'phantasia' will not just be a 'fantasy' experience but one of 'hyperreality.' #offtowork #justsaying #cometophantasia

我們並不僅是單純的'練習'而是'苦惱'的準備著. 這樣如同工作般的工作真的是久違了,我們也以緊張興奮的心情等待著與大家的相見^^❤️我們會努力(讓這次)演唱會不僅是'觀賞'而是'體驗', 我們所創造的'phantasia'不會只是'幻想'而是會努力讓大家體驗 'Hyperreality'(超現實) #今天也得上班 #呃嗯 #一定要來看 -照片是第一次會議後很痞很痞的少女時代

11月 21,22 #奧林匹克體操競技場 #少女時代演唱會
#phantasia #Girlsgeneration #Snsd #rinokinawa #5daystillphantasia

We are doing more than simply "practicing." It's been such a long time since we have been preparing for something like this so our hearts are fluttering in excitement until we meet you all. Rather than just "watching" our show we want you to "experience" it so that 'phantasia' will not just be a 'fantasy' experience but one of 'hyperreality.' #offtowork #justsaying #cometophantasia

來源:hotsootuff https://www.instagram.com/p/-JCCk8LVmc/
不要忘了不要忘了 http://mama.mwave.me/vote