2013-03-11 12:52:05Rara


You are crazy, but because of your craziness got me keep thinking about you.

I'm sitting in the sofa and having a bottle of beer in the living room

yet, I'm typing this letter to you.

how are you? how is your day? what you been doing?

that's all I can think of the whole day.

It's crazy.

there's something that I've been hiding somewhere in my heart for 3 years

and I feel like it's time for me to tell you now.

I MISS YOU. I really do miss you. I miss you so much.

There were many times that I just wanted to call you and wanted to tell you how much I missed you

but I tried every way to control myself.

You are crazy, because you drive me crazy every single time when we talk.

You know what else is crazy?

there were many times that I just wanted to go see you and gave you a hug.

I missed your hugs. I missed the simplest happiness that you always given to me.

I missed the way you kiss my hands, my lips, and my forehead.

I missed the3 words that came from your lips so seriously.

I missed you and I still do.

So, don't tell me that I don't want to see you

because there were million times that you don't know how I felt about you.

It's crazy even tho I know there's no going back for us, but I still miss you.

It's crazy even the fact that you live in AZ,but I can still find you in my heart.

It's just crazy.

I read the note that you wrote for me over and over again when I'm upset

and I can still feel the love that you had for me.

It's crazy even tho I know I'm not the one who you fell in love with the deepest

but I still think that I was the one that who loved you the most.

It's crazy because I would never got tired of thinking about the past that we had together.

You know what? sometimes I feel like you will always live in my heart even when I get married.

and you know what else is crazy?

when I see you having another girls, it hurts me even tho you are not mine anymore.

soemtimes I hate the fact that you are always there for me

because it makes me feel like I need you to be part of my life.

sometimes it would make me cry in the bathroom when I think about iwhat f one day you are not

there for me anymore.

there were many many times that I wanted to tell you that "I regret."

why?because I wanted to be with you everyday

I wanted to hear you laugh, see your smile, and feel your touch.

You don't know how much I missed you and how bad I wanted to be with you.

You are the one holding me back from many things you know.

I don't tell you, it doesn't mean that you are nothing to me.

there were so many nights that I couldn't sleep just because I missed you way too much.

You just don't know...