2010-06-16 18:28:43挖洗拍狼啦~

A letter to Mr. Susumu

Mr. Susumo :

You went back to Japan already two days ago. How are you?  Although I know you only for one week, But you are really a good "classmate" and a good "homestay mate". I very respect you, because even you are 66 y/o, you also study English very hard. However, I always don't kown how to express my mind and always silent. Maybe you don't understand something that I want to described. But I want you know, I'm very very like you! I hope you can keep healthy, and keep learning English go on and on.


your friend - Lawrence.

( 我想我文法應該是錯得亂七八糟...所以如果有人發現錯誤...希望你/妳可以糾正我 >"< )




Mandy Tsai 2010-06-18 00:14:29

恩~ 果然是有點破 害我一不知道從何改起...

挖凹 >"<...好慘... 2010-06-18 04:01:23
我也是破英文 2010-06-16 19:16:38

It have been 2 days since you left Astrulia. How is everything with you? Although we only were as classmates and roommates for one week, I have to let you know that I respect you deeply casue, even you have been over 66 years old, you still has great passion in learning English. That's the spirit I will keep in mind and follow with. Since so far I can't express my ideas precisely by conversation, you maybe don't understand things that I want to describe. But, by this mail, I want you know I am very like to be a friend with you and hope you are always healthy and keep on learning English!


Your friend, Lawrence.

感謝簡大人賜教...level真是比我高太多! 2010-06-18 04:00:25