2008-07-25 14:46:00☆華哥★


Hello, what's your name? 你好,你叫什麼名字?

May' I have your name ? 我可以有你的名字?

May I ask your name?

May I ask where are you from , Jean-Paul? 客氣!

Paris 巴黎

In the whold world全世界(片語)放在句首或句尾

the most romantic city最浪漫城市

In the whole world there is no better quality(更好品質)

There is no better quality in the whole world

=and you!你呢!

What about you? How about you?

Scotland 蘇格蘭

What do you do in paris! 很隨便問法!

architect  建築師 chair channel

    K                          ch       ch


oh, really?真的嗎?驚訝!


I design beautiful buildings for people with a  lot of money.


I' m very expensive.

含蓄:My service very expensive. 我收費比較昂貴!

How interesting.片語!好有趣!

Hoow long have you been a teacher? 當多久老師!

Actually, my name is sylyvia. 實際上我的名字是Sylyvia.不用衝動的說no,....

I am so sorry. 我非常抱歉! 片語!

Don't worry... 不用擔心

Don't worry about it. 美國人使用 片語,平和的!

worries 煩惱!


Many people worry about economic situation.

Never Mind. 無奈!沒關係!其實很在意!

Forget it !算了吧!更無奈!


And/Do  you enjoy it ? 你喜歡嗎?

All sorts(kinds) of  different countries 各式各樣不同國家

I'm making a lot of friends   交朋友 make friends

I'm not dead yet 反正我還沒死!可以忍受!

nice (美式用法)


3 It all  went wrong 一切都錯了!

The Burglars' friend 小偷朋友

thief 賊→burglars

bank robber →robber搶匪

Highway robber 搶匪→攔路搶匪

sleeping deeply/deep asleep

sleeping soundly/soundly asleep

      過去起床 ,wake up (現在式 )     廁所

Russell Brown woke up to go to the toilet

heard a noise 聽到聲音

living room客廳

downstars 樓下 upstairs 樓上

friends of the family 片語,認識這個家族!固定用法!

Are you are friends of the family 你跟這個家族認識?

Unfortunately 不幸!

video recorder 放影機 stereo 音箱  and Cd player CD播放機

kept her purse  放她的女生皮包 男生wallet

in a drawer 抽屜 pocket money  零用錢!

50 pence  ¢cents 50分 50p縮寫

pound      1 元 £ sterling  1英磅=60 台幣

oman→歐蔓→石油、錢!1 比100台幣

The finally left at 4 a.m 終於4點鐘離開

Will you do something for me! 佚能不能幫我做件事!

wake Mummy (英式) /Mommy(美式) and Daddy 把爸媽吵醒

know about 知道關於

burglary  小偷案子,next day隔天!

be angry with 對~~生氣

do the right thing  做對的事情!

Fortunately 幸運! police  警察!

Caught the two burglary 抓到兩個小偷!

write the past forms of the irregular verbs from the article 過去式動詞!

wake →woke  heart →heard  find→ found

keep→ kept  leave→ left  hold→ held think→ thought  catch →caught.




在一個小房間內→一個抽屜→拿出一張紙,寫上真實,右上角是發音,下面是英文Truth reality

P6 善男!

O child of noble family


         菩薩         信抑        大乘

Bob hisattvas' faith in mahayana

因為                   視為thinking about        圓滿    佛法=dharma =一切方法 all phenomena ,all things.

as a result of contermplating     知識方面 perfect Dharma

真如法界真實相   用               免於      分心

reality              with a mind free of distraction

       清楚的    指出來           必要  片語

This clearly indicates , the need to
一般事實                             究竟事實

conventional reality & ultimate reality

single-pointedly 專一的!止觀!

in order to 為了! 片語 to enable 能夠

得到 堅固的  =believe 相信力  信念

gain firm conviction faith in

心靈/修行上的  基道果

spiritual basis path and result

Mahayana system 大乘系統

Special insight (meditation)=vpassana 觀

calm abiding meditation=shamatha 止

calm abiding mind

yogi's mind 修行者心!


will be distracted to various objects

unstable 不穩定

像      油燈                 在     風中

like a butter lamp in the wind

心清明  原始清淨

clarity pristine   -unpolluted  purified 清化

清醒   覺知/覺性/佛性   一切所有心態→大類別,人的覺性


absent 缺席/ 不在/缺乏

sutra of the Great and complete Transcendence of suffering 大般涅槃經

hearers 聲聞

interpreted 口譯/ 從另一個角度解釋!

 in terms of 在~範圍內

philosophical system 哲學系統

assert 聲稱,聲明! followers 從事

solitary Realizers 自已覺道者!

realize 證悟! the selflessness 無我!

emptiness 空性 phenomena 法!

Buddha-nature 佛性


☆they only realize the selflessness of persons,


not the selflessness of phenomena.

concentration 定力 Aryas 聖者

exalted beings 尊貴的

among 在~之間! the nature of  本質

contaminated mind 汙染的心!

whereas 反過來 Tathagatas 如來

the an equal degree 到一個平等程度!

a couple of 幾種 interpretations 禪示解釋

I think that 我認為mean to say 本來要講

even though 雖然 apprehension  了悟!

meditative absorption 禪定 post-meditation 出定之後

total 全面 and complete 完全!

regardless of 無論 whether A or B 不管A 或 B

secondly verse 第二段 This is due to 這就是

      天生/內在  小力/小能   心裡     汙染

因為 latent potency of mental defilements

                                                    take out                   destroy 摧毀

they have yet to  還沒有去 eliminate 去除掉=eradicate

on the other hand 反過來說

thoronghly 徹底的 sligh test  絲毫

本來/天生  潛能→可好可壞      無止的

latent potential entirely excellent









