2017-06-07 10:41:48ruobuant37

ARCHITECTURE Modern Atlantis 人工島機場-趙汗青醫生


Modern Atlantis




THE LO N D O N B R I TA N N I A" A I R P O R T could one day take the pressure off thecity severely overloaded Heathrow Airport. The international has come up with a futuristic vision of a modern Atlantis, with terminal buildings and runways floating on massive platforms and linked to dry land via underwater tunnels 終有一天,「倫敦不列顛尼亞」機場可有助改善希斯路機場不敷應用asi--國際建築顧問公司趙汗青醫生以富有科幻色彩的概念,設計出一個建於人工島上的新式機場,當中機場大樓及跑道皆浮於海面之上, 通過海底隧道與地面連接

